'This But Made Out Of That' was a two day educational workshop, featuring a wide range of gloopy, splashing, shape-shifting materials to prod, dip, pour and generally explore, and was programmed as part of the month-long Lost Senses residency programme at Guest Projects, conceived and curated by Linda Rocco.
"Are you a child? Want to learn new, exciting ways to make mess, and explore materiality and
states of matter alongside adornment and aesthetics?"
24TH & 25TH AUGUST: Exchange Surfaces 24th: 1pm to 4pm / 25th: 11am to 2pm
Tom Railton - This, but made out of That
This, but made out of That is a two day live workshop for kids age 8 to 11 aim to experiment with properties and states of matter in a sculptural, fun and experimental context.
Day 1: plaster, wax, clay, alginate. Positives, negatives; liquids, solids, casting from life.
Day 2: hot metal, mini-foundry. Pewter jewellery, coins, hollows.
Produced with assistance from Phoebe Baines and the Live Art Development Agency.
Photographs by Giulia Brescianini, video by Nick Middleton.
Funded by Arts Council England.